(This is my directing face. A little in charge. A little confused. Always surrounded by brick. You know.)
As a showrunner, writer, and director, I helped found Happy Little Guillotine Studios (, where, for over eleven years, I have created, developed, produced and sold content that has made the company one of the preeminent digital production studios in the space.
As a showrunner and writer, I've written and overseen multiple series and pilots for companies like Disney, TruTV, NBC/UCP, CollegeHumor and more.
As a director, I've directed everything from the scripted series mentioned above to short films, music videos and more commercials and digital campaigns than you can "but did it go viral" at.
But Yuri, you say, what are some highlights, and can you put them in a bullet point format to make it easier for me to read, because I'm a very busy person and I hate bios? Sure, Person. I hate bios too. Here are some highlights of things I've done:
Created, wrote, and directed two seasons of the hit branded series Leap Year, starring Eliza Dushku, Josh Malina, Craig Bierko and Steven Weber. The show aired on Hulu, garnered over ten million views, won multiple awards (NATPE's Digital Luminary Award, Streamy's Best Branded Series, IAWTV Best Drama series) and was eventually sold to the USA Network for a 3rd season.
Created, wrote, and directed a season of Dan is Dead, starring Drake Bell, for Disney.
Directed and produced the hosted comedy series Slurpee Unity Tour for 7-Eleven, which won the PRO Campaign of the Year award and garnered billions of media impressions (including an entire segment on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart!)
Directed, wrote. and executive-produced the pilot for the TruTV series Six Degrees of Everything, which received a season run from the network.
Wrote and directed a pilot and short film for the series Binge, which garnered over a million views and built a massive fanbase. It is currently being developed for television.
Wrote and created Make It Reign, a new series that's being developed for television with Debbie Liebling, executive producer of Pen15.
Directed and produced three music videos for Evan Rachel Wood's band, Rebel and the Basketcase.
Directed and wrote dozens of commercials for brands like Trojan, Reebok, Samsung, Xfinity, 7-Eleven, Captain Morgan, Poshmark, National Geographic and many more.
Wrote, produced, and sold projects for networks and studios like Disney, NBC, USA, UCP, TruTV, Sundance and MTV.
Wrote and published three plays that have been performed hundreds of times all over the world.
Am actually six medium-sized squirrels in a trenchcoat.
Okay, I'm done, I promise. Now, let's go make some magical art together.